Stitch and Angel Gender Reveal Invitation


SKU: 432 Category:


Delivery Time

Your personalized order will be delivered within 2 days maximum, often even sooner.


Quantity Files: 1
File Format: Video MP4
Orientation: Vertical
Dimensions: 1080(w) ร— 1920 (h) px
Duration: Between 35 and 50 seconds

Required information

Parent’s name
Date of the Celebration
Place of the Celebration
Short Note for Guests

Which digital product do I receive?

1 MP4 Digital Video in optimal quality (Copy of the example video published in the page but with your data and photo).

How do I receive the video?

You receive the personalized video to the WhatsApp of your order, and then you can forward it to your guests.

I don’t want a photo in my video ?

The frame will be either hidden or replaced with an image matching the invitation theme.

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