Plants vs Zombies Birthday Invitation


SKU: 445 Category:


Delivery Time

Your personalized order will be delivered within 2 days maximum, often even sooner.


Quantity Files: 1
File Format: Video MP4
Orientation: Vertical
Dimensions: 1080(w) × 1920 (h) px
Duration: Between 35 and 50 seconds

Required information

Name of Who’s Birthday
Age to meet
Date of the Celebration
Place of the Celebration
Time for guests to arrive

Which digital product do I receive?

1 MP4 Digital Video in optimal quality (Copy of the example video published in the page but with your data and photo).

How do I receive the video?

You receive the personalized video to the WhatsApp of your order, and then you can forward it to your guests.

I don’t want a photo in my video ?

The frame will be either hidden or replaced with an image matching the invitation theme.

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